Dear visitors, roof repairs are taking place on the castle building, which partially restricts movement in the castle courtyard and the private castle parking lot. At the same time, construction work is underway to build the Creative Cultural Center, due to which the porcelain exhibition has been relocated from the Wing by the Tower to the North Palace and the Rotunda Wing. Thank you for your understanding!


Hrad Loket, o.p.s.
Zámecká 67
357 33 Loket
Česká republika

Phone: +420 352 684 648
+420 606 112 242
DirectorMgr. Jana Těžká 352 684 648
Head of guideLada Vimmerová 352 684 104
Cultural officialAlena Šotolová 352 684 155
+420 601 699 904
MarketingEliška Panušková 702 131 633
EconomistLibuše Hornová 352 684 442
Tickets 352 684 648
+420 606 112 242
Loket Information Center
Souvenir shop 352 661 717

How to Find Us

By Car

Take the exit No.136 (Nove Sedlo) on the road No.R6 and continue 2 km on the road No.209, direction to Loket. After entering the town, you will cross the railway and you will see the castle. Continue on the main road so that the river and castle stay on your right hand side. After 2 km of beautiful sightseeing road, you will arrive to the Loket castle, through the Loket main bridge.


There are several places for parking in and around the city. Thank you for parking your vehicles in parking spaces.

Unfortunately, is not possible to park next to the castle.

By Bicycle

If you would like to come by bicycle, you can take the national cyclopath No.6 that leads from Cheb, through Loket to Karlovy Vary and on. The path would take you mostly alongside the river and it is not very challenging. You can leave (and lock) your bicycle at the castle gate.

On Foot or on Horseback

The Loket castle is without doubt the view point of the town itself and also of the paysage. Focus your direction on the castle tower and take any road or street that would lead you to the destination. You will surely easily climb the gradient road.

By Boat

You can rent your own boat and come to Loket down the river. You can harbour your boat underneath the main bridge. Take the way up the stairs, it is the shortest path but beware of pirates and incursive raiders. You can take a shelter at the local paddler camp that you would find down the stream.

By Train

Take a train from Cheb or from Karlovy Vary (also Chomutov), change the train in Nove Sedlo or in Chodov, the train from there will take you to Loket which is the terminal station. You can see the castle right from the train station.

By Bus

You can take a direct bus from Karlovy Vary, Sokolov or Horni Slavkov. Get out on the upper bus stop, next to the petrol station and cross the bridge. All roads on the left hand side will lead you to the castle.

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