Dear visitors, roof repairs are taking place on the castle building, which partially restricts movement in the castle courtyard and the private castle parking lot. At the same time, construction work is underway to build the Creative Cultural Center, due to which the porcelain exhibition has been relocated from the Wing by the Tower to the North Palace and the Rotunda Wing. Thank you for your understanding!

Castle Box Office

Opening hours

Loket Castle is open daily for visitors.

November - March9:00 - 16:00
April - June9:00 - 17:00
July - August9:00 - 18:30
September - October9:00 - 17:00
Last admission 30 minutes before closing time!

Entrance Fee

  With text guide
?Czech, Russian, German, English, French, Italian, Polish, Hungarian, Spanish, Ukrainian
With guide
?anglicky, německy, rusky
    Czech language Foreign language
Adults 145 Kč7,00 € 175 Kč7,50 € 220 Kč10,00 €
Children, students and elders
? Children between 6-15. Students (26 max), with a valid Student Card.
120 Kč6,00 € 140 Kč6,50 € 190 Kč8,00 €
Family entrance fee
? 2 adults + 2 children / students
440 Kč21,00 € 500 Kč23,00 € 550 Kč25,50 €
Children up to 6 years Free entrance Free entrance Free entrance
Persons with the Czech National Guide Card Free entrance Free entrance Free entrance

With text guide: Czech, Russian, German, English, French, Italian, Polish, Hungarian, Spanish, Ukrainian
With guide: Czech, English, German and Russian
Children, students and elders: Children between 6-15. Students (26 max), with a valid Student Card.
Family entrance fee: 2 adults + 2 children / students
Payment: cash or credit card.

Your Visit Outside the Opening Hours For Groups with Guide

The group visits (10 paying visitors min.) outside the opening hours can be booked in advance in the box office of Loket castle. The entrance fee is CZK 350 per person.

Photo Card

Make your own unforgettable pictures of the expositions, for CZK 20 only.



In the castle shop, you can buy not only a souvenir to your visit of Loket Castle but you can also see the Rococo murals. The painted walls were replaced from an ancient aristocratic settlement in Kostelni Briza and the murals were restored on the spot.

Book Your Visit

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+420 352 684 648
+420 606 112 242